marcos oliveira

Hello, I am an Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Exeter in the UK. Before this, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the Computational Social Science department in the GESIS–Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Germany.

My research spans computational social science, complex systems, network science, and data science. I explore how regularities and social phenomena emerge in different contexts, such as cities and social environments.

I am particularly interested in addressing urgent societal challenges such as urban crime, social inequalities, and human mobility. These challenges often involve complex, interrelated factors, requiring a complex-systems approach to understand and tackle them effectively (see below).

I study human dynamics, such as face-to-face interaction and web browsing behavior, to develop tools and models that address pressing issues like social biases and online privacy, with a focus on human-centered approaches. In another line of research, I also investigate how to explain the behavior of computational swarm intelligence to make swarm-based algorithms more transparent.

NEWS (scroll down for more)


City science and crime dynamics

Cities bring people together to interact; they can be seen as evolving systems that exhibit a global order built from local-level decisions. Though such local-level processes and decisions seem disordered, cities display striking regularities. In my research, I am interested in uncovering these regularities and building tools and models to understand urbanization better. In particular, I explore how crime exhibits regularities in its dynamics, structure, and growth.

Related papers: The scaling of crime concentration in cities.More crime in cities? On the scaling laws of crime and the inadequacy of per capita rankings—a cross-country study.Spatio-temporal variations in the urban rhythm: the travelling waves of crime.

Human dynamics and network inequality

Though our daily behavior looks sophisticated and unpredictable, recent research has shown that simple mechanisms can explain parts of our behavior dynamics (e.g., face-to-face interaction, human mobility). I am particularly interested in understanding how these mechanisms promote systemic biases into people's lives by analyzing behavioral data. For example, I explore how group interaction can drive social inequalities as well as how our regularities in our behavior make us predictable online and offline.

Related papers: Group mixing drives inequality in face-to-face gatherings. Web Routineness and Limits of Predictability: Investigating Demographic and Behavioral Differences Using Web Tracking Data. Combining sensors and surveys to study social contexts: Case of scientific conferences.

Computational intelligence

Swarm intelligence refers to the global order that emerges from simple social individuals interacting among themselves. In the past three decades, swarm intelligence has inspired many algorithmic models exhibiting distinct natural social behaviors, such as ant colonies and bird flocks. I investigate how to disentangle the complex behavior of computational swarms and make these algorithms more transparent.

Related papers: Uncovering the social interaction network in swarm intelligence algorithms.Towards a Network-based Approach to Analyze Particle Swarm Optimizers.Communication Diversity in Particle Swarm Optimizers.



Browsing behavior exposes identities on the Web
Marcos Oliveira, Jonathan Yang, Daniel Griffiths, Denis Bonnay, and Juhi Kulshrestha
arXiv (2023).
Minorities in networks and algorithms
Fariba Karimi, Marcos Oliveira, and Markus Strohmaier
arXiv (2022).
Predictability states in human mobility
Diogo Pacheco, Marcos Oliveira, Zexun Chen, Hugo Barbosa, Brooke Foucault-Welles, Gourab Ghoshal, and Ronaldo Menezes
arXiv (2022).


On the inadequacy of nominal assortativity for assessing homophily in networks
Fariba Karimi and Marcos Oliveira
Scientific Reports 13 (2023).
Combining sensors and surveys to study social contexts: Case of scientific conferences
Mathieu Génois, Maria Zens, Marcos Oliveira, Clemens Lechner, Johann Schaible, and Markus Strohmaier
Personality Science 4 (2023).
Group mixing drives inequality in face-to-face gatherings
Marcos Oliveira, Fariba Karimi, Maria Zens, Johann Schaible, Mathieu Génois, and Markus Strohmaier
Communications Physics 5, 127 (2022).
Beyond exploitation: Measuring the impact of local search in swarm-based memetic algorithms through the interactions of individuals in the population
Clodomir Santana, Marcos Oliveira, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
Swarm and Evolutionary Computation 70, 101040 (2022).
More crime in cities? On the scaling laws of crime and the inadequacy of per capita rankings—a cross-country study
Marcos Oliveira
Crime Science 10, 27 (2021).
Uncovering the social interaction network in swarm intelligence algorithms
Marcos Oliveira, Diego Pinheiro, Mariana Macedo, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
Applied Network Science 5:24 (2020)
Spatio-temporal variations in the urban rhythm: the travelling waves of crime
Marcos Oliveira, Eraldo Ribeiro, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
EPJ Data Science 7:29 (2018)
The scaling of crime concentration in cities
Marcos Oliveira, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
PLOS ONE 12(8): e0183110 (2017)
Using Network Science to Assess Particle Swarm Optimizers
Marcos Oliveira, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
Social Network Analysis and Mining 5:3 (2015)


Regularizing Neural Networks with Noise Injection for Classification of Brain Tumor in Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Umberto Barros-Filho, Paulo Rocha, Marcos Oliveira, Andrea Ribeiro, Rodrigo Monteiro, and Diego Pinheiro
IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), Recife, Brazil. 2023.
Using Vector Fields in the Modelling of Movements as Flows: A Case Study with Cattle Trade Networks
Sima Farokhnejad, Marcos Oliveira, Eraldo Ribeiro, Ronaldo Menezes
International Conference on Complex Networks (CompleNet), Aveiro, Portugal. 2023
Getting the Boot? Predicting the Dismissal of Managers in Football
Mounir Attié, Diogo Pacheco, Marcos Oliveira
International Conference on Complex Networks (CompleNet), Aveiro, Portugal. 2023
Web Routineness and Limits of Predictability: Investigating Demographic and Behavioral Differences Using Web Tracking Data
Juhi Kulshrestha, Marcos Oliveira, Orkut Karacalik, Denis Bonnay, and Claudia Wagner
Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM), 2021.
Characterizing the Social Interactions in the Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm
Lydia Taw, Nishant Gurrapadi, Mariana Macedo, Marcos Oliveira, Diego Pinheiro, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC). 2019.
The Influence of the Circadian and Ultradian Rhythms to Human Mobility: Empirical Evidences from Location-Based Check-Ins
Hugo Barbosa, Marcos Oliveira, Diogo Pacheco, Gourab Ghoshal, and Ronaldo Menezes
NERCCS 2018: First Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems, Binghamton, NY, USA. 2018.
Better Exploration–Exploitation Pace, Better Swarm: Examining the Social Interactions
Marcos Oliveira, Diego Pinheiro, Mariana Macedo, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
4th IEEE Latin American Conference on Computational Intelligence (LA-CCI), Arequipa, Peru. 2017.
Tippers and stiffers: An analysis of tipping behavior in taxi trips
David Elliott, Marcello Tomasini, Marcos Oliveira, and Ronaldo Menezes
IEEE Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, San Francisco, California, USA. 2017.
Using Social Media to Assess Neighborhood Social Disorganization: a Case Study in the United Kingdom
Diogo Pacheco, Marcos Oliveira, and Ronaldo Menezes
AI4BigData at the 30th International FLAIRS Conference, Marco Island, Florida, USA. 2017.
Communication Diversity in Particle Swarm Optimizers
Marcos Oliveira, Diego Pinheiro, Bruno Andrade, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
ANTS 2016, Tenth International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, Brussels, Belgium. 2016.
From Criminal Spheres of Familiarity to Crime Networks
Marcos Oliveira, Hugo Barbosa-Filho, Tobin Yehle, Sarah White, and Ronaldo Menezes
6th Workshop on Complex Networks (COMPLENET), New York, USA. 2015.
Towards a Network-based Approach to Analyze Particle Swarm Optimizers
Marcos Oliveira, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes.
2014 IEEE Symposium on Swarm Intelligence, Orlando, USA. 2014.
The Spatial Structure of Crime in Urban Environments
Sarah White, Tobin Yehle, Hugo Serrano, Marcos Oliveira, and Ronaldo Menezes
6th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo 2014). First Workshop on Criminal Network Analysis and Mining, Barcelona, Spain. 2014.
Political Social Networks Reveal Strong Party Loyalty in Brazil and Weak Regionalism
Marcos Oliveira, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
Sixth ASE International Conference on Social Computing, Stanford, USA. 2014.
Assessing Particle Swarm Optimizers Using Network Science Metrics
Marcos Oliveira, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
4th Workshop on Complex Networks (Complenet), Berlin, Germany. 2013.
Using Network Science to Define a Dynamic Communication Topology for Particle Swarm Optimizers
Marcos Oliveira, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, and Ronaldo Menezes
3rd Workshop on Complex Networks (Complenet), Melbourne, USA. 2012.
Optimizing a Routing Algorithm Based on Hopfield Neural Networks for Graphic Processing Units
Carmelo Bastos-Filho, Marcos Oliveira, Denis Silva, Róbson Santana
IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computational Intelligence (FOCI), Paris, France. 2011.
Uma Implementação em FPGA de Redes Neurais de Hopfield para Roteamento em Redes de Comunicação
Marcos Oliveira and Carmelo Bastos-Filho
Anais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, Fortaleza, Brazil. 2011
Car Setup Optimization Using Multi-Objective Swarm Algorithms
Marcos Oliveira, Marcelo Lacerda, Érick Barbosa, Paulo Cordeiro, and Carmelo Bastos-Filho
Anais do X Congresso Brasileiro de Inteligência Computacional, Fortaleza, Brazil. 2011.
Impact of the Random Number generator quality on particle swarm optimization algorithm running on graphic processor units
Carmelo Bastos-Filho, Marcos Oliveira, Débora Nascimento, and Alex Ramos
10th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Atlanta, USA. 2010.

Book chapters

Sensing close-range proximity for studying face-to-face interaction
Johann Schaible, Marcos Oliveira, Maria Zens, and Mathieu Génois
Handbook of Computational Social Science. Volume 1. Routledge, (2021)
Spatial concentration and temporal regularities in crime
Marcos Oliveira and Ronaldo Menezes
To appear in "Understanding Crime through Science" (Springer Computational Social Sciences series). 2019.
Analysis of the Performance of the Fish School Search Algorithm Running in Graphic Processing Units
Anthony Lins, Carmelo Bastos-Filho, Débora Nascimento, Marcos Oliveira, and Fernando Lima-Neto
Theory and New Applications of Swarm Intelligence. 1ed.: InTech. 2012.
Running Particle Swarm Optimization on Graphic Processing Units
Carmelo Bastos-Filho, Marcos Oliveira, and Débora Nascimento
Search Algorithms and Applications. 1ed.: InTech. 2011.

Data sets

A web tracking data set of online browsing behaviour of 2,148 users
This anonymized data set consists of 2,148 users' web tracking data. For each user, the data contains the anonymized URL of the webpage the user visited, the domain of the webpage, and category of the domain. The data also includes self-reported users' gender and age.
Combining Sensors and Surveys to Study Social Interactions
Four data sets to study social behaviour, collected during international scientific conferences where interactions between participants were tracked using the RF-ID sensors, which allows collecting face-to-face physical proximity events every 20 seconds.


Here you can download code related to some research works:

This helps you estimate assortativity in networks having groups of different sizes.
The code for modelling group mixing in face-to-face gatherings.
A network-based approach to analyze particle swarm optimizers.
Running Particle Swarm Optimization on graphic processing units
A swarm with dynamic topology.
This is a VHDL model for Hopfield Neural Networks (HNN) for Routing in Communication Networks
A helper to find out the correct spatial reference (EPSG) of a bunch of points using
From partitions of a graph to a whole graph
This converts a file from graphml to METIS format.
A simple tool to have experiments running in parallel.
